Top 10 Riddles:
1.It can’t be seen, it can’t be smelt,
It cant be heared,
cant be hides behind joy and accompanies life;
Empty eyes,it fills.ends life,kills
Answer: Sorrow
2.Darkness is my enemy
Brightness is my
Water is my need
Fertilizers are my
Guess me?
3.While on my way to church I saw a man with 7 children each
child had 7 sacks each sack had 7 cats each cat had 7 kittens
kitten,cats,sacks,children how many were going to church?
Answer: Just one,i.e) Me
4.Those,who have me,also suffer
Those who don’t possess me also suffer
Over abundance and scarcity of mine would spoil one’s life
Limited usage and saving of mine,leads to joyful life.
5.I am same for time,
Same for size,
But weights big for time;
And small for size,
Secondary in time,
But primary in size,
What am i?
6.Big as full moon
Deep as tea cup
Never get filled up
But always get filtered up
Answer: A kitchen strainer
7.I am related to water,
But I will not get
I am related with image,
But I am not a mirror;
I can travel,
But I don’t have legs.
Who am i?
Answer: Reflection
8.I have feet
I have legs
I don’t have head
I don’t have hands
I am borrowed by legs
And I have nothing else
Answer: Stockings
9.I am the start of globalization
I am the end of global warming
I am primary in green revolution
I am secondary in agriculture
Answer: Alphabet “G”
10.I owe a word
Some assures life to me
By maintaining the word
Some break me
But into pieces
Guess me
Answer: Yesterday