Friday, 29 August 2014

Joke Riddles 2

Joke Riddles:

A man goes outside while it is pouring cats and dogs.The man stands directly in the rain,but his hair doesn't get wet.why not?

Answer: Because he was dreaming!

What did the ocean say to the other ocean?

Answer: Nothing they just waved

What the fat man would have told to the lean one?Guess?

Answer: you are lucky ,because you could see your feet!

Why do cows wear bells?

Answer:Because the don't have  horns!

What happens to a green rock,when you throw in the red sea?

Answer:It gets wet!

Using a coconut and a stone to knock them on your head,which one would be more painful?

Answer:Your head!

Why do leopards have a hard time while hiding?

Answer:Because they are always spotted!

Joke Reddles:1

Joke Riddles:

What kind of telephones do turtles use?

Answer: Shellular

When you release the knot,what will you get?

Answer: Not

Why did the child study in the aeroplane?

Answer: Because the child was told to aim the sky!

Where do the ghosts swim?

Answer: In the dead sea

Why was the broom late?

Answer: It over swept

Do you know why chicken don't lay eggs when they fly?

Answer: Because if they lay eggs at that time,it will break thats why

What happens,when moon falls from the sky?

Answer: Moon disappears!

It would uttered the dialogue," who move my cheese?"who is it?

Answer: Mouse

What dress does a house wear?

Answer: Address

Why did the lady throw a piece of butter out of the window?

Answer: Because she wanted to see butterfly

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Logical Riddles

Logical Riddles 

Riddle 1:
The boat in the Nile river is tied to a rope
The rope is 100 feet long.
Suddenly when a storm attacked,The boat started moving towards the north direction,
Without breaking the rope.
How is that possible?

Answer: The rope is not tied to anything

Riddle 2:

If a cock facing west lays an egg on a house
and the wind blows it east,
where would the egg go?

Answer: A cock doesn't lay eggs

Riddle 3:
What is the only number with the same amount of letters in its name?

Answer: Four

Riddle 4:

There were three thieves and the police had only two bullets in his gun.
but when he shot, All the three died.
How could it happened?

Answer :When the police shot the first thief, the second thief got heart attackand died by himself.
Then the police had also shot the third thief with his second bullet.

Riddle 5:

Where in the world Thursday comes in front of Wednesday ?

Answer: in the dictionary

Riddle 6:

On first November 2013, 2 trains were going by the same track by 8 o' clock, but in directions. How did that happen?

Answer:First train weny by 8 a.m. and the second train went by 8 p.m.

Riddle 7:

What relation would your father's elder brother's father be to you?

Answer: Grandfather

Riddle 8:

If we subtract the last letter of the word 'well' and add to a preposition ,
We will get a material: which gets wet, when drying!
What is it?

Answer: towel

Riddle 9:

What is that which goes a truck, comes with a truck, and is of no use to a truck, and yet the truck cannot go without it?

Answer: Noise

Riddle 10:

Mr. and Mrs. clown have two daughters;
each has one brother and two sons ;
each has one sister how many people are there in the clown family?

Answer: There are 6 people in the clown family

Riddles 1


I have flies
But i cannot play
I have wheels
But cannot ridden upon
What am i?

Answer: A garbage truck

I run up and down
I carry people
I carry things
I have no feet
Electricity is my input.
Service is my output
Who am i?

Answer :An elevator

I sit at one place
But travel all around the world at same time what am i?

Answer: Television (TV)

When it is dark i die
When it is bright i live
who am i?

Answer: Candle

What do people make that nobody can ever see?

Answer: Noise

Duels of good and evil
A fighter of good am i
Revealed beside watched words
king of the black night sky
what am i?

Answer: Darkness

Consequence of dollar fall could not be predicted
but my  Consequence of my fall could  be predicted

Answer: Lizard

I smoke for a good cause
I support the heating process
my inner layer gets wetted with moisture droplets

Answer: Chimney

I am four letter long
I am seen in the sky,Sea and Ocean
Who am i?

Answer: Blue

What can you hold without your hands?

Answer: your breath