Thursday, 21 August 2014

Riddles 1


I have flies
But i cannot play
I have wheels
But cannot ridden upon
What am i?

Answer: A garbage truck

I run up and down
I carry people
I carry things
I have no feet
Electricity is my input.
Service is my output
Who am i?

Answer :An elevator

I sit at one place
But travel all around the world at same time what am i?

Answer: Television (TV)

When it is dark i die
When it is bright i live
who am i?

Answer: Candle

What do people make that nobody can ever see?

Answer: Noise

Duels of good and evil
A fighter of good am i
Revealed beside watched words
king of the black night sky
what am i?

Answer: Darkness

Consequence of dollar fall could not be predicted
but my  Consequence of my fall could  be predicted

Answer: Lizard

I smoke for a good cause
I support the heating process
my inner layer gets wetted with moisture droplets

Answer: Chimney

I am four letter long
I am seen in the sky,Sea and Ocean
Who am i?

Answer: Blue

What can you hold without your hands?

Answer: your breath


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